Taking your core Business Central system to the next level.

Our Microsoft Business Central Core+ module enables you to take your implementation a step further by extending on the essential functions and features that our mandatory Core module will bring to your organisation. 

When you invest in our Core+ module, you’ll unlock fixed assets and employee management functionality to enhance the way your organisation handles assets and human resources.

Key features


Fixed asset records

Record and maintain a fixed assets register, using Business Central to log the acquisition, depreciation, transfer and disposal of any of your organisation’s fixed assets.


Employee records

Make use of Core+ capability and use Business Central to keep track of basic human resource information, including annual leave, sick leave and employee expenses.


Pay employee expenses

Reduce the time it takes to process payment journals by running a ‘suggest employee expenses’ routine. Banking+ customers can also export BACS payment files ready for easy import into the bank.

Enhanced asset management

Enhanced asset management

With access to a fixed assets register, you can ensure all information held on your land, property, vehicles and equipment is kept up to date and in line with organisational standards – for example, by calculating and posting depreciation based on the desired depreciation method. With Business Central, keeping on top of your fixed asset register is easy and will help ensure accuracy when looking at, and reconciling, your true book value of company assets.

Consolidate your people processes

Consolidate your people processes

When you’re running a small business, it’s all too easy to let HR processes fall by the wayside. Why not use our Core+ module’s simplified features to help you get a handle on tracking your employees’ leave and expenses in next to no time at all? Employee information will remain confidential, and it’ll be available to you or your HR team at the click of a button, as and when needed.

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Talk to the Tisski team

Our ERP team have more than 140 years’ combined experience, so if anyone can help point your organisation in the right direction, it’s them!

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