Accounting features made with charities in mind.

Our Microsoft Business Central Charity Accounts module was created to help non-profit organisations better manage their charitable donations. With charities and other non-profits operating in different ways financially when compared to for-profit businesses, the functionality we’ve built takes those differences into account and can offer your non-profit a ready-made way to manage funds more efficiently.

Key features


Manage funds

Account for and control your fund spend based on the fund type, including restricted, unrestricted and designated funds. Identify when designated funds are about to expire and transfer them to unrestricted funds.


SOFA compliance

Ensure status of forces agreement (SOFA) compliance by using our Charity Accounts module to produce the key financial reports.


Gift Aid

Manage Gift Aid donations using the additional fields in the cash receipt journal batches. Donation receipts can be marked as Gift Aid and donor details recorded and tracked later using the Gift Aid summary report.

Conform to HMCR requirements

Conform to HMCR requirements

Elements of the Charity Accounts module format information ready for quick and easy submission to HMRC, giving you confidence that financial information you submit conforms to their standards they’ve set.

A dedicated dashboard

A dedicated dashboard

The Charity Accounts module’s dedicated Charity Manager Role Centre offers a single page that brings all elements of the module together in one place to give you a clear overview of and current value of your current charitable funds.

A helping hand for not-for-profits

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A helping hand for not-for-profits

We’ve helped multiple not-for-profit organisations transform their operations using Microsoft technology – could you be next?

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